Weekends spend by watching movies and also comedy series. Besides watching, there is also sleeping, bathing, eating and also house chores. Here is the list of it:
~ Gems of Life ~Watched until episode 1-5 and stopped because the following episode on the DVD was missing. So have to stop watching and look for others. This tvb drama is quite some times already. There is also a few tvb dramas that I have missed. Will plan to watch them when there is time for it.
The dvd's was being brought from my home town. My bad for not checking the discs before bringing them along to island.
~Ong Bak 2~
This show was in my external hard disk for quite some times since it is a Year 2008 show. I copied from my colleague, Ong (known as the supplier).
So last weekend was the time for me to clean up some space for my external hard disk. I scanned all the movies that I have copied and decide which that needs to be deleted. For this show, Ong bak 2, I was watching at the beginning and I was suprised that there is no subtitles for it. try to configure and still no subtitles. So I skipped to the action part and watched the action parts. That is what I have watched from theOng Bak 2. Just the fighting part. Nice!!
~CSI New York Season 3~Sadly, this is a nice series to watch. The sad is that I started to watch from Season 3 and not Season 1. It was a nice and exciting series to watch. Watched from episode 1-24 and it was getting excited at episode 24, whereby they have terrorist who wanted to get the drugs out from the NYPD department. Suspend and actions.
There is a lot of CSI versions such as CSI Miami, Las Vegas and .....When will it be end?
~Hell Kitchen Season 5 ~Watched Hell Kitchen season 5 and I think there is a few more episode that I need to look for because it as almost the final and i don't have the next episode on it. So have to look Gooi. He is the one that I copied this series from. have to wait until Wednesday. That is the only day that i can met him and copied fr0m. It is nice to see how the cook, how they manage their team and work and also the conspiracy that they made. It was also fun watching chef Ramasey scolding and shouting. If I am in the competition, I think I will broke down and crying to go home.... Haha!!...