I am back since it has been a long time that i have not being blogging. How long was it? 2-3 months. If not from a friends reminder, i think i have forgotten all about this blog that i have created. I think i have not much changed except that i have white hair (just a little) and gained some weights.
Most of my friends has advised me to get rid of the spare tyre or it will get much bigger. Even my partner has suggested. Working hard and also less resting makes my appetite to double up. What i had is always the double size of what i had last time. Thanks to supper as well. Most contributor is Supper.
I did tried to eat less but the hunger tested my mental strength. But i phailed badly on it. I ate even more when i am damn hungry. haha!! needs to think of a way to stop or reduce the capacity of what i am eating.
For my working life, it is all going fine as i started as a normal TECH staff promoted to ATL (Assistant Team Lead) and after a few months, promoted to TL (Team Lead) due to my colleague, Nicole leaving the company. At all happen quick fast and all the seniors that i knew when i am started to join Intel, has left. Just left a few of the seniors and also friends at here.
Guess when will it be the time for me to take the actions. But what i can said that, currently it is not the time until my level is upgraded to the next stage. More to learn and also experiences in life.
Thanks to all the friends supports and mostly thanks to my partner who has supported me all the time and also those hard roads.