I and my love one went to test the Korean BBQ food that was recently opened at the Bayan Point. Actually it has been opened for some time already. We did plan to eat and everytime it ends up saying wait for the salary and then tried the foods. But finally, last week, we went to taste the food. The food is not bad but it is not kinda suit our tongue on the flavours. When my love one pick up the menu and look on the menu, it has all kind of choices to choose but it all looks like kinda expensive and also spicy.
After a few minutes of looking at the menu, we also ordered the foods that we wanted. Below is some of the images that I have grab.
This is Rice with seeweed and also egg. This is what I have ordered in case my love one cannot eat what has been ordered.
There is also some side dishes that was being brought to us and it free to refill on it. Wondering on how to eat it as well.
The big and looks spicy dish is the octopus as we love to eat. Looks spicy but actually it is not that spicy as it looks.
After we have finish eating, we have decided that Korean is not that suitable for us. Maybe Japanesse can be nicer. Hehe !! Love the spoons that they have and wish that I bring of the spoons back with me. But ......Later been caught for stealing spoon. Very shameful if it really happens.
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