29th April 2009, Wednesday, it was my working day but I took MC because I have a strain at the neck and also at the shoulder. So I smsed to Alice Chin and then she gave me the approval to be absent that day.
Then I and my love one went for breakfast after I have send the sms mentioning that I am on MC. We went to have dim sum which is located behind of the Bali Hai at Air Itam. We ate a lot and love one was full cause we kinda ordered a lot of dim sum in one short. After that, we went to pray at the Kek Lok Si temple as usual.
I did snap some pictures of it because we took the cable car to go up to the top of the temple. I asked my love one to walk to the cable car instead of driving. I told him to exercise bit after a having a wonderful breakfast. My love one agreed and we walked to the cable car and waited for our turn. We bought the tickets and I couldn't remember the cost for adults. If I am not mistaken, it should be RM 4 person.
A snap shot of me drinking the Japanesse Green tea while waiting for the cable car to reach the top.
Here is another snap shot of the view of the Penang Island.
Along the way up to the top, there is a tourist inthe cable car with us but we kinda ignore her existenses. Love one was posing and I grab my P1i and take a few shots of my love one posing in the cable car. There are a few poses that he has make but I don't think that I am going to post it here. If my love one knows that I post it here, sure I will get yelling from him. So I better keep it in my phone for personal view usage.
Looks like this will be the longest blog entry. This blog entrywill be the whole activity that we have done that day.
On top of the Kek Lok Si temple, there lies a status which is the Kuan Yin statue. It was huge. I think there is no need for me to go into details about it. We prayed and also make our wishes to the Kuan Yin. My love one did tooks pictures with the zodiac animals which is goat but i think it is still the same that it won't be posted in here as well.

the status of Kuan Yin statue.
After that, we went down to the down hill by the cable car. I have snap shots on the fountains and my love one was watching the fishes swimming and dancing in the water. So I grab the pictures of the fountain. Although it is was covered with mosses growing all over the fountains rocks.
The overview of the fountain
The guardian of the fountain. Froggie !!
We went to the car park and then we pay a visit to the usual places that we went on the weekends. CTY, Jian Long and also the Toby Pet. It was raining at that moment if I remember properly. It has been days for me to update on this blog. Apologizes.
Then we went back home after visiting all those places. We rested and love one planned to go to Red Box. My love one said that he suddenly felt like sing some songs. So I agreed on it and we went to there. We can relax and also release the stress out by singing. On the way to the Red Box, love one was taking a snap and I was driving the car. It is a little bit jam cause of the raining weather. Parked the car and then we went into the room. It was buffect dinner at that time. One short we took all the foods into our room. We sang, drink and ate. The food on Red Box is really not that nice and I think they need to improve on it. It was like getting worse.
There were having 20% discount on members. So the cost for the Red Box was Rm60++.
It was a fun day with my love one. I enjoyed that day and I also do hope that love one also felt the same way. Hope for another fun and enjoying day. Jasper signing off....
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