Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sweet snacks make your days sweeter

Here is some snacks that I have had when I am off shift. Some sweetness that makes my off day more relaxing and fun.

Tasted at QB mall. While tasting the ice-cream, there is a gymnastics competition on for the childrens or what we can said teenagers. Mostly all are Malays and chinese are just a few of thems. Looks like MALAYSIANS are getting moderns thoughts. That is also the day where my Adidas sport shoes was bought. hehe!!

Ate it at the Jusco at my home town, Bukit Mertajam. There was no where to go besides shopping mall at my home town. not much activities you can do. But you can go hiking. There is also some locations on it. Anyway, I ordered the cold Chocolate fro drinks and the nominated donuts are  Duren Duren, Pink Twister and Whitnut (starting from right hand side)

Bought some muffins back home from QB mall for snacks and also breakfast at work. The muffins are always the best. Bought all 3 flavours: Banana, vanila and Chocolate. Yummy!!

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