[7:12:10 PM] GAR_Xxxx> The ticket number for this chat support will be xx-xxxxxxx
[7:12:16 PM] GAR_Xxxx > Hi
[7:12:37 PM] GAR_Xxxx > may I know what phone number do you wanted to update on ?
[7:13:08 PM] Aaaa> if u check my phone info in outlook
[7:13:13 PM] Aaaa > u can notice 2 phone#
[7:13:14 PM] GAR_Xxxx > ok
[7:13:22 PM] GAR_Xxxx > yes
[7:13:31 PM] GAR_Xxxx > one is workphone and the other is Inet number
[7:13:43 PM] Aaaa > international phone# is still reflecting the old one
[7:13:50 PM] Aaaa > which is 3-0362
[7:13:57 PM] GAR_Xxxx > and the new is ?
[7:13:59 PM] Aaaa > i am now using 253-9479
[7:14:22 PM] Aaaa > i don't think i can update that myself
[7:14:57 PM] Aaaa > so, the request is change all phone # to 253-9479
[7:15:11 PM] Aaaa > it has been a confused to everyone who would like to call me
[7:15:21 PM] GAR_Xxxx > I can see that the work phone is updated
[7:15:24 PM] GAR_Xxxx > just the inet
[7:15:31 PM] Aaaa > yes
[7:15:39 PM] GAR_tchin1X > can i connect to your machine and see?
[7:15:43 PM] GAR_tchin1X > May I connect to your system and take a look at some of the settings?I will attempt to connect to your machine using a program called LANDesk. In a moment, you will receive a prompt, "Will you allow AD_”Agent idsid” to connect to your computer". Please click "Yes".
[7:15:45 PM] Aaaa > yes
[7:17:52 PM] GAR_Xxxx > May i know when was the time that you have changed the number to the new number
[7:18:07 PM] Aaaa > in the phone book?
[7:18:14 PM] GAR_Xxxx > yes
[7:18:22 PM] Aaaa > quite sometime
[7:18:23 PM] GAR_Xxxx > and also the changes of the number
[7:18:42 PM] Aaaa > but i always cannot change the international phone number as i cannot edit it at all
[7:18:54 PM] Aaaa > yes
[7:19:04 PM] GAR_Xxxx > ya
[7:19:12 PM] Aaaa > i move to a new cube last year Q4
[7:19:20 PM] GAR_Xxxx > i also noticed that it as well
[7:19:37 PM] GAR_Xxxx > Even on the HR side, the number is updated as well
[7:19:52 PM] Aaaa > what do you mean?
[7:19:58 PM] Aaaa > can u change it on my behalf?
[7:20:40 PM] Aaaa > hey, do you think u can call me to solve this? i hate to chat the issue like this
This is the part where I keeps on cursing the customer on it. If you dont like to chat on this issue, why dont you call in for the support. What is the point engaging us?
[7:20:49 PM] GAR_Xxxx > This is not handled by us
[7:20:53 PM] Aaaa > i still have a couple of issues that need service desk help
[7:21:09 PM] GAR_Xxxx > let me try to check for you for this
[7:21:23 PM] GAR_Xxxx > I am sorry that i am not able to call you for this matter
[7:21:24 PM] Aaaa > this issue has been open for quite sometime
[7:22:17 PM] Aaaa > so, can u resolve the phone# issue for me?
[7:22:39 PM] GAR_Xxxx > let me check the informations for you
[7:26:23 PM] GAR_Xxxx > Aaaaa, when was the changes on the phone number for the new number is changed? Can you please provide me a date on it?
[7:26:42 PM] Aaaa > i don't know
[7:26:46 PM] Aaaa > i cannot recall
[7:27:34 PM] GAR_Xxxx > ok
[7:27:47 PM] Aaaa > if u cannot fix this, i would rather take a phone#
[7:27:53 PM] Aaaa > new phone#
[7:28:01 PM] Aaaa > are u able to do that for me?
[7:28:16 PM] GAR_Xxxx > I am sorry that i am not able to do that ...
[7:28:28 PM] Aaaa > ok...tell me what can u do now?
[7:28:33 PM] Aaaa > can fix or cannot fix?
Here is where I said WTF !!
[7:28:51 PM] Aaaa > what is the other alternative if u cannot fix
[7:30:20 PM] GAR_Xxxx > I have checked that it will take around one week or plus for it to propagates on it
[7:30:55 PM] GAR_Xxxx > and we also need to make sure that the number that we have included on the Phone book does not have any special characters on it
[7:34:30 PM] GAR_Xxxx > you will need to update at the Phone book side
[7:41:21 PM] GAR_Xxxx > Aaaa, I was not able to receive any response from you within 5 mins and according to the Chat policies, agent must end the session if there is no response from user within 5 mins
[7:41:46 PM] Aaaa > ok
[7:41:53 PM] Aaaa > i called up service desk
[7:41:54 PM] Aaaa > thanks
[7:41:58 PM] GAR_Xxxx > Is there anything else I may assist you with?
[7:42:07 PM] Aaaa > no thank you
[7:42:11 PM] GAR_Xxxx > You are welcome. Have a nice day !!
[7:42:13 PM] GAR_Xxxx > “You will receive a survey for this support after the ticket is closed. Please note that by selecting Neutral, it will be contributed as Negative Survey. Thank you”
[7:42:14 PM] GAR_Xxxx > Thank you for using Live Assist Chat Support. Please feel free to contact us again by going to ............
Really..Working in this kind of fields, lots of different kind of customers that you can get...